Thursday, January 29, 2009

Trend: The Skinny Tie

A skinny tie is exactly what it sounds like - a thinner than normal tie. Vanessa Valiente from V-Style, provides a great tip for rocking the skinny tie: "You may wear a thin-ish tie since it is a more modern look, but a skinny skinny one will make you look too trendy, ergo pathetic. This is particularly true if you look like a jock or are plump. Your size will emphasize the slimness of the tie." Remember that since skinny ties are modern, you will want to wear them with a more modern shaped suit.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Style: Ryan Howard from NBC's The Office

Ryan Howard, played by B. J. Novak, plays a character in NBC's The Office that starts as a temp worker and rises through the ranks to become a corporate regional director. Basically, he becomes the boss of his past boss and co-workers. Ryan's fashion is especially dark. When he played the temp, he wore regular "corporate blue," but when he became a corporate czar, he immediately cut his hair, grew out his beard and work dark colors: black, dark blue, dark purple, etc. Pretty much a bad ass look.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Very Basics: Business Casual and Professional

Here are the very basics for those who have absolutely no idea what "business casual" or "business professional" means. Both business casual and business professional are dress codes.

Business casual is a very popular way to dress in corporate America on a day-to-day basis. It is comprised of slacks, a button-up shirt, and dress shoes that match the belt. Generally, no tie is worn with business casual. If it is cold, a sports coat (blazer) can be worn over business casual.

Business professional is a dress code that requires a suit. The suit is the matching blazer and slacks, a tie is worn, shirt, shoes, belt, the whole lot of it. Business professional is always worn during an interview. It is not often seen as a day-to-day dress code, but some investment banks still require it. It all depends. For the most part, if day-to-day dress is business professional, it will be explicitely stated. It may also be called business formal.